Inquire an option for one place on the train-the-trainer OR assessment course:
Fields with asterisk (*) required.
Date of birth:*
Mobile Phone:*

Working field/ Type of Course/ Date:*

What else would you like to let us know?
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Please specify timeframe(s) one master trainer can call you for verification.*
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Invoice address
Street and Number:*

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Please note:
You can revoke your consent by submitting this form again with notifying us in the message field at any time and with effect from that time to the future.
Your data will be jointly processed to manage your attendance and according to the privacy policy of the parties involved: Ropetech GmbH will organise the training and the services included. ERCA e.V. will issue the certificate and store the assessment results in the certification database. DW-Formmailer is hosting this online form service.

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