The terms and conditions (AGB) are also conditions of use.Validity of the provisions: valid until: 13.06.2014The company, DIS dürr-internet-service Inh. Wolfgang Dürr, (hereafter called operator) operates the Internet site DWFormmailer ( solely on the basis of these terms and conditions. Any conflicting conditions, extensions or restrictions by the applicant is hereby expressly excluded, they are not part of the contract.
Conditions of use of DWFormmailer (advertising financed): |
1.) Participation right and exclusion 1.1 In priciple there is no legal claim to make use of "DWFormmailer". The director reserves the right any time not to include certain pages. The person running the business also has got the right to exclude a user of "DWFormmailer" at any time if he or she breaks a rule or for personal reasons. In order to do this there is no reason or information required. If you would like to participate please be informed that pages containing erotic, pornographic, illegal, political, discriminating, defaming, radical or other improper contents are strictly prohibited. |
2.) Financing the service 2.1 The free of charge version of DWFormmailer is fincanced by publicity/advertising which is/are created by advertising texts in the generated e-mails as well as in form of ad popup/down. |
Terms of use of DWFormmailer (free from publicity): |
1.) Service 1.1 The carrier's service is to provide a hosted form data transmitter program in order to transmit the data generated in your e-mails of the registrated internet pages by mail. 1.2 In priciple there is no legal claim to make use of "DWFormmailer". The director reserves the right any time not to include certain pages. The person running the business also has got the right to exclude a user of "DWFormmailer" at any time if he or she breaks a rule or for personal reasons. In order to do this there is no reason or information required. If you would like to participate please be informed that pages containing erotic, pornographic, illegal, political, discriminating, defaming, radical or other improper contents are strictly prohibited. |
2.) Content of the contract 2.1 Via entering a profile within a website for registration of DWFormmailer (without advertising/publicity free) the user may place/install a standard domain, i. e. all e-mail addresses with the ending/termination of his/her standard domain of the usage of form and do this free from publicity. After login in the customer area the user can set free 5 further empfaenger_mail Adressen (recipient e-mail addresses) in order to transmit forms without advertising. 2.2 The contract comes into force by accepting the online registration through the carrier. The director forwards the login data just in time via e-mail right after registration. Running times/licence periods of DWFormmailer (publicity free) start immediately after registration/announcing one's participation. The minimum time of running is 12 months. This member time is prolonged/extended by further 12 months, if you or the carrier do not quit/cancel the contract at least three working days before expiry of the licence. (see also point 4 cancellation - 4.1) 2.3 In case of defects, the statutory warranties of rules apply. |
3.) Cost of the service 3.1 The current service fee actually is $ 22,10 USD (incl. VAT) per year (standard version) with a minumum running time of one year and this fee has to be paid in advance for one year. The standard version includes a monthly contigent of e-mails of 3000 generated mails free from publicity as well as an upload limit of 5 MegaBytes (total of file attachments per mail). Cost of higher quantities on demand. 3.2 For customers abroad/exterior/non-Germans e.g. from Switzerland there is a possibility to send cash in a recommended/registrated letter to the carrier's address mentionned below. (In order to save the high fees of the banks.) 3.3 Prices may change anytime and come into effect after expiry of a period that was paid in advance. In case of an earlier termination/cancelling or if you do not use our service for reasons which are not due to the director/not the carrier's fault no money will be paid back. 3.4 Allowed modes of payment are payment via online invoice and, within the Federal Republic of Germany, the debit note procedure. The way of settlement indicated by the user when registrating (resp. the newly chosen mode of payment when concluding the contract) may be used by the director also for licence fees and other eventual payments. (e. g. regarding fax prepaid invoices or further registrated licences within the same account) If the payment demand fails for a reason that can be solved by the customer the user has to pay/take over further costs that may arise to the carrier. Kommt der Nutzer in Zahlungsverzug, ist der Betreiber berechtigt, die gesetzlichen Verzugszinsen zu fordern. Kann der Betreiber einen höheren Verzugsschaden nachweisen, kann der Betreiber diesen ebenfalls geltend machen. Der Betreiber ist berechtigt, das Inkasso durch Dritte durchführen zu lassen und an diese seine Forderungen abzutreten. Dafür ist der Betreiber berechtigt, die Bestandsdaten des Nutzers an Dritte zu übermitteln. Die gesetzlich zulässige Übermittlung weiterer Daten des Nutzers zum Zwecke des Forderungseinzugs bleibt unberührt. Dem Nutzer wird die Beauftragung eines Inkassounternehmen schriftlich mitgeteilt. 3.5 In case of back/re-debit-notes or unpaid invoices (time for payment expired)the director has got the right to block the account (barrier against use)until the outstandig amounts will have been paid. |
4.) Cancellation 4.1 The running time is extended automatically by further 12 months unless the carrier or the user cancels the contract three working days prior to expiry of the licence. In order to remind you of the expiry date of the licence you receive an e-mail to your login address 2 weeks before that date. You may see the expiry date anytime in the customer area on the overview page. In order to quit the contract you have to send your cancellation either by post or via fax or mail to the address indicated below. 4.2 If all licenses are an account properly terminated and their maturities expired, all data of the account completely deleted 30 days after. |
5.) Installation/setting of the DWFormmailer (free from advertising) for the first time - Modes of payment 5.1 With the login data which you obtain by mail right after announcing your participation your account can be used free from publicity immediately. Right after login under point of menu (Settings -> E-mail to unlock) you may install 5 other empfaenger_mail Adressen (addresses of further mail recipients that are different form your indicated standard domain and which you can place/set and use without advertising. In the menu under point "Modes of payment" you can print your invoice for your records. It is provided in the *pdf format and may be printed out. Usually within one day the corresponding qualified signature will be supplied which is sent together with your invoice to the indicated login e-Mail address automatically. If you wish we can send the invoice by post, this has to be paid however. |
6.) Availability of the service 6.1 The carrier cannot guarantee the availability of using the service anytime without any interruption, a failure or defect of the server or the technique cannot be excluded completely actually. We do our utmost to prevent those interruptions and to provide the service anytime. |
7.) Liability 7.1 The participant uses DWFormmailer at his/her own risk. The carrier does not assume any liability regarding any damages or problems that may arise by utilizing the program. The director cannot be claimed/sued regarding display or content of the generated data. Contents/Topics of offers or quotes that collide with law and order are excluded from our service. |
8.) Data Privacy Protection 8.1 As far as our service program is concerned the user alway has (1) to indicate/supply correct, complete and current information if the carrier requires them and asks for those as well as (2) to keep these data - if necessary - actual, correct and complete. This is especially important/applicable regarding personal data. The carrier is allowed to store the user's personal data and his/her habits of use if this is required to effect the service adequately. The carrier is obliged to keep and use these data confidentially and to protect them against misuse by third parties. |
9.) Information about the right of withdrawal
End of the information about the right of withdrawalThe preceding right of withdrawal does not apply, if the contract is attributed to your commercial or professional practice. |
10.) Installation of the HTML code 10.1 You may integrate the HTML code which is provided in the instruction manual or in the form generator by copying it via drag und drop and include it in your homepage respecting the instructions. You can change the HTML code according to your demands/alter it if you wish. |
11.) Safeguarding clause/condition proviso 11.1 Should one of the terms become ineffective this does not influence the validity of the other conditions, they stay nevertheless valid. Terms that are invalid or do no longer apply are either deleted or replaced by those which are applicaple and that support the expected economic purpose of the service. |
12.) Operator data DIS dürr-internet-service |
Die Nutzungsbedingungen des DWFormmailer Partnerprogramms |
1.) Teilnahmerecht und Ausschluss 1.1 Es besteht grundsätzlich kein Rechtsanspruch zur Nutzung des "DWFormmailer-Partnerprogramms". Der Betreiber behält sich jederzeit das Recht vor, bestimmte Seiten nicht aufzunehmen. Zur Teilnahme sind keine Seiten mit erotischen, pornografischen, illegalen, politischen, diskriminierenden, diffamierenden, radikalen oder sonstigen unpassenden Inhalten erlaubt. Die Teilnahme am Partnerprogramm ist für den Antragsteller kostenlos und unverbindlich. Sie müssen selbst nicht den DWFormmailer(werbe-frei) nutzen, um am Partnerprogramm teilzunehmen. |
2.) Kunden werben? 2.1 Mit dem DWFormmailer-Partnerprogramm können Sie schnell und einfach neue Kunden gewinnen - vollautomatisch über Banner oder Textlinks auf ihrer Homepage, in ihren eMails oder in ihren Newsletter. Im Bereich "Werbemittel" stehen ihnen dazu Banner und Textlinks zur Verfügung, die Sie einfach per drag und drop in ihre Homepage auf einem geeigneten Werbeplatz einfügen können. Achten Sie unbedingt auf ihre persönliche Werbe ID wid=xxx "xxx" bedeutet ihre Partnernummer. Sie muss im Werbelink erhalten bleiben, damit der geworbene Kunde ihnen zugeordnet werden kann. Dies geschieht automatisch sowohl über 60 Tage gültige Cookies, sowie über Session Variablen. Kommt also ein Kunde über ihre Seite zu unseren Angeboten, wird die Provision auch ihnen zugeschrieben, wenn er bis zu 60 Tage später eine Lizenz erwirbt. |
3.) Verdienst 3.1 Sie erhalten 20% Provision vom Umsatz ihrer geworbenen Kunden, und dies solange, wie uns der Kunde erhalten bleibt. Also verlängert der Kunde im Folgejahr die Lizenz, erhalten Sie wieder eine Folgeprovision von 20% des generierten Umsatzes usw. |
4.) Auszahlung 4.1 Ab einem Guthaben von 5 EUR erscheint in der Guthabenverwaltung ein Auszahlungsbutton. Nach Auszahlungsanforderung können Sie sofort ihre Gutschrift sowohl im *pdf als auch im *html-Format für ihre Unterlagen ausdrucken. Die Auzahlung erfolgt täglich, bei einem Guthaben ab 5 Euro per Überweisung. Bei Angabe der BIC und IBAN auch auf Konten in alle Euroländer in denen EU-Überweisungen zu Inlandspreisen ausgeführt werden. |
5.) Kündigung des Partnerprogramms / Löschen des Accounts 5.1 Zur Kündigung des Partnerprogramms und Löschen ihres Partneraccounts genügt ein Mail an unten angegebene Mailadresse. |