to DWFormmailer - Form data transmitter made easily
A professional form mailer for all website owners. On your website you have a form which should be transmitted to you in a comfortable way? We do have absolutely the right thing for you! DWFormmailer is a form mailer which is interesting to home page possessors without CGI or PHP support. It serves for transmitting of data that have been entered into a web form e. g. a contact form or the shopping trolley of an online shop.
* Registration is not necessary for the (free, 30-day trial version).
Die kostenlose Version ist nur für Testzwecke geeignet. Es können innerhalb des Testzeitraums von 30 Tagen max. 100 Formulare verschickt werden.
(The free version is only for testing purposes.)
DWFormmailer Upgrades (optional)

How to use "DWFormmailer" optimally and how to integrate it in your homepage you may learn from the detailed description. more...
Create your own form here in 4 steps without any HTML knowledge! more...
Would you like to use DWFormmailer absolutely free from publicity? i. e. no pop-ups and no advertising messages in the mails! Interested? more...
or directly to registration
Changing to the cost version (to be paid but free of publicity) by purchase a license is possible anytime

Use our free of charge tool in order to encode your e-mail address!
- Zweistufige Verifizierung (2FA)
- Mails landen im Spamordner? Was nun?
- Probleme mit JIMDO gehosteten Mails beheben
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Ohne Werbung
ab 7.90 EUR pro Jahr
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