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to DWFormmailer - Form data transmitter made easily

A professional form mailer for all website owners. On your website you have a form which should be transmitted to you in a comfortable way? We do have absolutely the right thing for you! DWFormmailer is a form mailer which is interesting to home page possessors without CGI or PHP support. It serves for transmitting of data that have been entered into a web form e. g. a contact form or the shopping trolley of an online shop.

 Free Version
$ 0,00 USD
Cost Version
from $ 8,85 USD/Year
 Professional data transmitting of the form contents
 to be installed in a very short period of time
 Determination of obligation fields
 e-mail dns-check, spam-protection, IP time barrier (protection from spam mails)
 Templates for e-mail and for responder mail (confirmation mail)
 Optimum design adaption via own templates
 Data sending (e. g. a picture, a curriculum vitae or a graphic illustration etc.) as data attachment 256Kb500Kb/1M/5M/10M/20M
 Transmitting of the IP-address and host name of the sender
 in several languages - may be adjusted easily via hidden Variable
 SSL-secured (256bit)
 Dynamic confirmation and error pages
 Sending of csv/xls/ods data (to be used with excel/openoffice) as enclosed data or download
 Targeted countries lock on IP2Country
 OpenPGP / GnuPGP encryption
 Mail ad-free quota per month -> 50 /200 /3000 / upgrade up to 100000 50 - 100000
 The other advantages at one glance:
 Payrexx Integration
 PayPal Integration
 Sofortueberweisung Integration
 AV-Vereinbarung nach Art. 28/29 DSGVO
 * - - - - -by purchase a license

* Announcing/registration with the version that is financed by publicity is not necessary, go on to

Die kostenlose Version ist nur für rein private Seiten, gemeinnützige Vereine oder für Testzwecke geeignet.
(The free version is only for purely private pages or for testing purposes.)


Private Seiten ohne kommerzielle Absichten oder gemeinnützige Vereine ohne kommerzielle Absichten können die kostenlose Version, mit einem monatlichem Kontingent von max. 25 übertragbaren Formularen nutzen. Dazu müssen sich diese unter Angabe ihres Namens, E-Mail Adresse und der URL wo sie das Formular einsetzen, über das Antragsformular für private Seiten registrieren. Nach anschließender Prüfung werden diese dann zur Nutzung auf privaten Seiten freigeschaltet.

Nach Überschreiten des Kontingents ist die Nutzung des Formulars bis zum nächsten ersten des Folgemonats gesperrt. Benötigen sie ein größeres monatliches Kontingent können Sie jederzeit eine Lizenz ordern und auf die kostenpflichtige Version umsteigen.


DWFormmailer Upgrades (optional)


DWFormmailer INFO

How to use "DWFormmailer" optimally and how to integrate it in your homepage you may learn from the detailed description. more...
Create your own form here in 4 steps without any HTML knowledge! more...
Would you like to use DWFormmailer absolutely free from publicity? i. e. no pop-ups and no advertising messages in the mails! Interested? more...
or directly to registration

Changing to the cost version (to be paid but free of publicity) by purchase a license is possible anytime


Become partner?Cooperate with us to increase your earnings/profit with your web site! Do you possess your own web site? With our partner program that is free of charge we offer you the possiblity to earn money with minimum effort! You do not have to use DWFormmailer (free of publicity) in order to take in the partner programm. more...

Code e-mail addresses?Read in the following article how to protect or hide your e-mail adresses in the HTML text source from automatic collector robots.
Use our free of charge tool in order to encode your e-mail address!